I'm holding 2 workshops for Google AppEngine next month. I used to
look forward to encourage developers to use GAE as a development
platform, but due to this new pricing changes, I'm not that excited
anymore. It's not because I don't like GAE anymore. I believe that the
GAE infrastructure offers a lot of value as an infrastructure.
However, I really think that the pricing changes announcement was
announced to early. The early announcement has caused a lot of
confusion over a long period of time even until now. The most basic
question that needs to be answered is "How much will our apps cost to
run now?" Maybe sample apps and their corresponding prices will help
us visualize if we should really worry about the upcoming changes.

Something like...

Sample App 1 (datastore intensive app)

Average Response Time: 200ms

Average # of users per day: 100K

Cost / day: ???


Sample App 2 (Compute intensive app)

Average Response Time: 800ms

Average # of users per day: 100K

Cost / day: ???


and so on...


At least I can get a kind of "official" idea of the costs of running
apps under the new pricing scheme.

Thanks and enjoy!


On Jun 28, 1:23 am, vivpuri <v...@vivekpuri.com> wrote:
> There is one more option - Application just has to shutdown since
> there is no money to pay. If a bill of $2k per month suddenly becomes
> $10k per month, there are not many who can pay that. Just for
> comparison sake, in the US mortgage crisis, at the end of 5ARM a
> sudden increase in 1% of interest rate(effectively $200-$500 dollars/
> month, depending on total amount) lead home owners to default and file
> bankruptcy.
> On Jun 27, 12:50 pm, Branko Vukelic <bg.bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 6:44 PM, vivpuri <v...@vivekpuri.com> wrote:
> > > In my opinion, this pricing change has ability to destroy AppEngine.
> > I believe you are underestimating the amount of bad experience users
> > that are locked into the platform will put up with before they switch.
> > I'm sure Google could have done some PR before this change, and
> > prepped the users for the change, but I'm also sure most users will
> > just bite the bullet and pay up. Sure, some will leave, but I bet most
> > will stick to GAE.
> > If you coded your application without any layer of abstraction, and
> > your code is highly optimized for running on GAE, it costs more to
> > move away from it, than to sustain the increased fees until you can
> > monetize your application. Of course, if the application wasn't meant
> > to be used for business, that's different. If it's a hobby, you can
> > 'afford' to move to another platform. But for a business that is
> > planning on monetizing, moving is just as expensive as staying.
> > --
> > Branko Vukelić
> > bra...@herdhound.com
> > Lead Developer
> > Herd Hound (tm) - Travel that doesn't bitewww.herdhound.com

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