
The service has not been turned off with the exception of only 'the 1
day" after which we made the original post here.  Since then, the DOTS
spider/bot is hitting sites in full force.  Fortunately we are
blocking it but others might not be able to do so.

Even though we are blocking it, it still tries over and over and over
and over and over and over again - non-stop.

What is it that you are trying to do with this project and why so many

On Aug 8, 1:57 am, Viper <> wrote:
> Apparently this has been reported in several other places on 
> Google
> And no one seems to know what it is, but found a reference for one of the IP
> addresses having to do something with the Google App Engine
> Has anyone noticed the new DOTS browser / spider / user agent
> browsing/scanning their site from Google IP Addresses?  Here is an example
> of a log entry from one
> Log File: X:\W3SVC1\ex110804.log
> Log Entries For:
> Browser: dots
> Referrer:
> Started: 8/4/2011 5:20:26 PM
> 2011-08-04 21:20:26 GET /--------------------- dots - -
> www.------- 403 6 0 5521 109 62
> 1 Log Entries
> They seem to be coming from blocks
> -
> and a few other Google blocks.
> The problem is that had to no enable the Plus (+1 button) on a site because
> apparently the Spider (it uses a different user agent) comes from the same
> blocks as this mysterious DOTS browser / spider / useragent.
> Haven't seem to find an concrete information as to what the purpose of DOTS
> is and whether it should be trusted or not.
> Anyone have any ideas?

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