On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Thomas Wiradikusuma
<wiradikus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Typical startup flow is like this:
> 1. build an app with the most rapid way (forget about best coding
> practices etc)
> 2. get traction
> 3. get funding
> 4. pay someone smarter to refine the code and make it scale

Good luck with that.  If you cannot do #4 on your own then I don't
believe you will be able to hire someone else who can.  Especially not
in this market.

My philosophy:

1) Understand the architecture of the platform you're working with
2) Bootstrap a viable product that can generate revenue
3) Iterate the business as fast as you can.  Every day should be spent
developing new features, not trying to make the old features scale.

> That's not all bad, but I think it's making us slow. Partly because
> we' accustomed to develop "normal" apps (use SQL with all its bells
> and whistles, use Spring for Java, freedom of framework/stack, etc).
> What do you guys think?

There is an acclimatization period to working with GAE.  It's much
shorter than the acclimatization period required to work with
Spring/Hibernate/SQL, except that perhaps you've already gone through
the later.  After you work with GAE for long enough, most
architectural issues become pretty obvious.  I find that I am now
*much* faster developing GAE apps than J2EE apps, and I never find
myself scratching my head wondering why some query isn't performing
the way I expect.


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