On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 2:26 PM, noiv <noi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are about new 3200 tiles/images every day. The problem seems not to be
> a few users request same tile every minute or so.

The most helpful stats would be:

 * How many tile requests per day total?
 * How many unique tile requests per day?
 * What is the average size of a tile?

> Maxcdn currently offers first TB for free and next 10 for 700$. But, since
> today GoogleMapsMania links to and new referrer are popping up fast. I
> calculate 1MB per visitor, that's just another receipt for bankruptcy in
> case of getting slashdotted.

Maybe you can get Exxon to sponsor it ;-)

I presume you have already decreased the jpg quality as much as you are willing?

The first thing I notice when looking at your site is that you are not
caching anything.  Not even in the browser - it refetches every single
time.  I get this:

Cache-Control:must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Switch to:

Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600

Make the age as long as you are willing.  If the imagery changes every
day at midnight, you could use an Expires header to make it expire at
a particular time.

> I don't get CloudFlare. The Wiki is full of dead links and a change to the
> DNS records would solve everything? How do devs access the site then? But
> they promise to not charge for bandwidth. If all is true is seems perfect.
> I've started to google detailed instruction.

After you have fixed your cache headers, this is going to be your best
bet.  CloudFlare is a reverse proxy.  What makes them a little
different is that they handle DNS for you so it's trivial to turn on
and off the proxy.  I actually use their DNS service for domains which
don't use CloudFlare's proxy because their DNS service is free and the
UI is not retarded (like, say, Rackspace's).

Set up a copy of your DNS records in CloudFlare.  Make sure they are
correct.  Then switch authority for your domain to CloudFlare.  You
can turn on/off the proxy with a buttonclick; this causes DNS to
resolve either through CloudFlare's servers or directly to yours
(ghs.google.com).  Keep in mind that it takes a few minutes for DNS
changes to propagate.

By the way, right now your app is making each tile request to
ice-map.appspot.com which gets 302 redirected to
lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov.  This slows things down even more.

> Thanks again. I now believe there are more options to consider and shutting
> down the site is no longer on top of the list.

#1:  Make tile requests to the correct URL
#2:  Add a correct caching header
#3:  Try CloudFlare

If that doesn't dramatically improve things, come back for more advice :-)


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