I have heard good things about Mailgun but have not used it myself. I have 
used sendgrid.com and mandrill.com and both work well. I like the 
flexibility of Mandrill being able to send from multiple domains with DKIM 
and SPF but the whitelabelling in Sendgrid is more complete. 12,000 free 
emails a month from Mandrill is nice. For me the important part of these 
services is having a better view into deliverability. GAE email gives you 
no deliverability info at all which is insanely frustrating when sending 
transactional email.

As you mentioned if you send through GAE's mail library you can only send 
email as an account that is an administrator of the app. That includes 
users who only have "viewer" permissions. When I was using GAE's mail I had 
a no-re...@domain.com email address as a viewer of the app and used it to 
send most email. If I needed to send email "as a user" who is not an admin 
I would just send the email using my no-reply address and use the 
"reply-to" email header so that if someone replies to the email it goes to 
the expected user. With an external mailing service you do not have to do 
that (as you should be able to send as anyone) however you do not get DKIM 
and SPF if you are sending as a user who is not on a domain you control so 
their are benefits to using the "reply-to" trick even in this case.

- Bryce

On Friday, November 9, 2012 1:30:46 PM UTC-8, Emmanuel Mayssat wrote:
> I am writing an app that requires email to be sent (notifications)
> I am contemplating using mailgun as a service.
> 1/ I s there a email web service you recommended?
> I can send emails through mailgun using the 'request' python module
> def send_simple_message():
>     data = {"from": "Excited User <m...@samples.mailgun.org <javascript:>
> >",
>               "to": ["t...@gmail.com <javascript:>", 
> "to...@outlook.com<javascript:>"], 
>                                                     #
>               "subject": "[https] Hello Mama (REQUEST)",
>               "text": "Testing some Mailgun awesomness!"}
>     return requests.post(
>         mailgun_url,
>         auth = HTTPBasicAuth(username, password),                         
>                       # <-- or simply auth=(username, password)
>         data = data )
> I can also send emails from the shell using urllib2 (More complex because 
> of https)
> Cutting and pasting my urllib2 code in my gae app doesn't report any error 
> or anything else
> 2/ Can email be send when using the local gae server or the app have to be 
> fully deployed?
> 3/ Is there a way to send emails through google app engine? (including for 
> users that do not have gmail accounts)
> 4/ I cannot make sense of the gae policy as far as sending emails
> What are administrator password?
> Where are the administrator accounts?
> My domain is not hosted on gae.
> I am just using gae for test right now.
> Regards

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