The GPE has been pretty buggy over its lifetime, particularly wrt the HRD 

To fix your problem (and other problems relating to GPE run/debug) configs:

If you open up your project properties and navigate to 
Google -> App Engine
As well as ticking 'Use Google App Engine', make sure 'Enable local HRD 
support' is ticked too.

If this box is greyed out (i.e. disabled) and unticked, you'll have to work 
around it. You can do this by opening up 
<project>/.settings/ in an editor, 
and change the property 'gaeHrdEnabled' to true

To set the unapplied job percentage, in your run/debug config, use the tab 
'App Engine'. If you need to hack around this not working, then setting 
'-Ddatastore.default_high_rep_job_policy_unapplied_job_pct=50' in your 
run/debug VM arguments will work.

Im not sure what all the triggers are, but when you make changes in the GPE 
preferences panel, the App Engine tab in run/config and some other places 
the run configuration is automatically updated.

This is why even when you add unnapplied job policy manually, it gets 
removed. This is a worse issue when other plugins want to modify your run 
config as well (for example, with jrebel they have a contest to see who can 
add the most javaagents). 

The best workaround we've found for this is to get your run/debug config as 
you wish it, the on the 'Common' tab, choose Shared file. You can then make 
the file read-only on the file system which will prevent any plugins (GPE, 
JRebel, anything else) from undoing your changes.

I hope that helps,

On Monday, August 12, 2013 6:21:52 AM UTC+10, Jon Stevens wrote:
> I'm using the new WTP functionality in Eclipse 4.3 with the latest Google 
> Plugin for Eclipse to run my local AppEngine war file. I'm using Maven for 
> my build too.
> I can't seem to setup HRD support though. The launch configuration that is 
> generated doesn't have 
>   -Ddatastore.default_high_rep_job_policy_unapplied_job_pct=#    defined 
> and if I try to add it to the launch configuration, it seems to get removed 
> by whatever is automatically generating it.
> Honestly, there seems to be a lot of half baked stuff in this. It is like 
> it is _almost_ there, but the last 90% is the hardest part. I'd love to 
> give some feedback to someone who is working on this stuff to try to help 
> make it better.
> thanks,
> jon

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