
Even at $5 a day it is cheap, so lets work with that nice round number. 
 There is no other infrastructure cost, there are no devops support people 

So I have been looking at other PAAS, (not interested in anything less 
thant that)  if nothing else than to broaden my understanding of what is 
out there.

Heroku, (just to add auto scaling which it doesn't have out of the box, so 
you need adept-scale (min $18 per month) or HireFire ($10) on top of what 
you your paying to Heroku.

Openshift does have autoscaling, so you are up for $20 per month, plus 
usage costs for 3 small gears. So this might be cheaper, but I haven't run 
anything on it yet to know.

There are others obviously but a lot don't seem to provide auto scaling.

The App I talked about has a very peaky use, no one uses it over the 
weekend, big peaks in the morning and afternoon.  It's an evidence tracking 
systems (evidence of work/course material done) and has to be used.  There 
are millions of entities in the datastore and growing.  It is a big python 
application with full role based access control. There is audit trail 
records created for everything performed in the system.

A large part of the system uses AJAX, and it is not really a multipage 
application, so pageviews are somewhat meaningless form of measurement.  

There historically has been some unreliability and since moving off M/S to 
HRD that's pretty well gone away.
Any way you cut it $5 a day is a reasonable price for an application that 
is not relying on advertising for it's revenue.

Just my 2c worth


On Saturday, February 22, 2014 12:54:54 AM UTC+8, Tapir wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 7:52:40 PM UTC+8, timh wrote:
>> Just for the record, the app I was talking about might only have 2000 
>> users, but it is by no means a simple application.
>> I has approximateley 30 different models.  Fully defined with RBAC 
>> security model scoped down to parts of models.   
>> reporting, audit trail records for every change to data, (when and what 
>> was changed, by who), etc....  
>> The entire system is modeled in UML, python models, views, URL paths, 
>> security declarations, form schemas all directly generated from the model.
>> What elements of a view appear for the combination of user, context, and 
>> view control page layout, so the application is intensely dynamic and most 
>> cached data's scope is only effective for a single user.
>> So even complex applications can be run in a cost effective manner on 
>> appengine.
> 2000 users? how many pageviews per day?
> costs only $2-$3 a day? Only? 
> If there is no the free hours, it would be $5, right?
> $5 per day for 2000 users? and it is cost effective? Really!!!
>> But no point trying to stick a square peg in a round whole.  If you data 
>> model, or processing requirements don't suit appengine and you can't start 
>> instances quickly then 
>> you may well be on the wrong platform.
>> Now more than my 2c worth ;-)
>> T

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