> You images are too small to see detail

Apologies, "Google Groups" resized. I did not notice till you mentioned. 
The image is 1.7 mg and it was 1400 pixels wide. I cropped it, hope this 
time it will be more visible.

> You probably need to look at the code that retrieves entities.  Look at 
> using larger batch sizes.  You haven't mentioned what language or 
> datastore access mechanism (ie on python, db or ndb) etc.

the tag of the message: python27, I thought people used that for "saying 
the language", I guess not easy to read. I am using ndb, as db is 
Removing some if-then-else, the code is like this:

        query = TATripDB.query( TATripDB.draft == 0 )

         if request.offset:
             cursor = Cursor( urlsafe = request.offset )
             cursor = None

        # limit     = request.limit
        rows, next_cursor, more  = query.fetch_page( 200, start_cursor = 
cursor )

        ret = [ ]
        com_cache = { }
        cur_cache = { }

        if rows:
            unique_temporal_user = self.get_ta_profile( rows[ 0 
].from_agency )

        for r in rows:
            ret.append( get_tatrip_answer( unique_temporal_user
                                                # user_set[ r.key.parent( 
).id( ) ]
                                              , r
                                              , vlc_of_trip_key( 
userID_key, r.key )
                                              , cur_cache
                                              , com_cache ) )

         return ExploreTATripA( trips      = ret
                             , next_token = next_token 
                             , cur_rates  = cur_rates  )

The version of the memcache introduce some changes:

            tatrips_keys = memcache.get( 'TATRIPS_KEYS' )

            if tatrips_keys:
                rows = map( lambda x: self.get_tatrip_from_key( x 
), tatrips_keys )

I thought of using this method to avoid putting big object in memcache. 
This is maybe what you refer as getting in larger batch size? Later I am 
going to do some more experiments. Thank you for the suggestion!

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