Hi guys, 

A few months back, I had a similar reflexion on current trends regarding 
AppEngine, which I called "the end of paas", which could be called "end of 
serverless" in a way


It's not very long, so I paste it here, since it is quite similar to what 
is being said here.

It seems most of the services that made AppEngine a proper Platorm as a 
Service are now scheduled to be shut down, and users are advised to 
migrate.   Migrate search to ElasticSearch, migrate memcache to Redis, and 
maybe at some point we'll be asked to migrate Ndb to MongoDB and GCS to 
whatever.   I'm not complaining about the way the process is handled 
actually, there is enough time to consider the options and work on a 
migration scenario, there is no imminent deadline, at least for the 
moment.   But I'm wondering what went wrong with the PaaS approach, and is 
it officially dead.

Is this the end of GAE as a PaaS ?   I truly believed PaaS was the future 
of cloud architectures:  stop thinking in terms of servers, start thinking 
in terms of services.   When I started working with AppEngine, I dreamed of 
CPU as a service, with no server granularity, and I was disappointed to 
find I still had to worry about servers, starting up a new server instance, 
choosing what type of instance would be best, a scaling strategy, etc.   I 
was expecting servers as a service, i.e. serving my requests without me 
ever thinking in terms of servers.   But at least there was Ndb, search, 
memcache, GCS and a few more.

Now it seems all of these are on their way out, which makes me wonder: was 
there something wrong with the concept of PaaS itself, or is it just that 
these products didn't gain traction, and are now too costly to maintain 
with regards to their user base ?   Actually, the one thing that was wrong 
with Paas from the very beginning was that it would lock a project into a 
given cloud.   That was a risk to be reckoned for users, but it could have 
been seen as a feature for the cloud provider.   Now is it for this reason 
that the mentionned services didn't make it ?  Because users would have 
been wary of being locked in, and for that reason would prefer to use 
leading products deployed on leased servers ?    One thing is for sure: 
once an application has migrated to more standard services, it will not be 
tied to GCP anymore.

There was a major benefit to the PaaS concept:  it was very cheap for 
startups.   Deploying ElasticSearch on a the smallest possible cluster will 
start at around $200 a month, while the search usage of a small application 
could cost less than $10.   Same for the shared memcache service offered by 
AppEngine.   Now you are having to pay for running servers all night with 
very little transactions to handle. 

I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on this matter ? 

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