
These are benchmark executables that get put in there by the benchmark

They don't need to be there but they are in fact open source (http://
www.uflip.org). I'll put a note about that on our project page.


On Aug 29, 7:45 pm, Nathan Ingersoll <ninge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The quota increase is not really a problem, but I do have some
> questions about the validity of the project.
> There are some EXEs in the SVN directory w/o any obvious source
> accompanying them. Are these actually Open Source, and if so can you
> provide links to their source from your project?
> Nathan
> 2009/8/29 Stefán Freyr <stefan.fr...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi.
> > I feel a bit guilty asking this but...
> > One of my projects is close to reaching its limits in quota (I know...
> > 1 gig ought to be enough for anyone right?).
> > This is a project that stores our project work for school assignment
> > and we're currently working on benchmarking stuff that is generating a
> > lot of data which we store in SVN. The data is text only so it should
> > be possible to compress it quite a bit, I don't know if the quota is
> > taking that into account?
> > Would it be at all possible to get more quota? The project in question
> > ishttp://code.google.com/p/jotunheimur
> > Best regards, Stefan Freyr.

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