2009/8/29 Stefán Freyr <stefan.fr...@gmail.com>:
> I feel a bit guilty asking this but...

Don't be, the worst we can say is no, and we're unlikely to :-).

> One of my projects is close to reaching its limits in quota (I know...
> 1 gig ought to be enough for anyone right?).
> This is a project that stores our project work for school assignment
> and we're currently working on benchmarking stuff that is generating a
> lot of data which we store in SVN. The data is text only so it should
> be possible to compress it quite a bit, I don't know if the quota is
> taking that into account?

I don't actually know/remember offhand if the quota calculations take
into account the compression we get out of the data or not, but either
way, it's quite possible to run out of quota for certain kinds of

In general, checking large generated files into version control is
frowned upon, if the data can be rebuilt from a (smaller) program. In
this case, for example, if the data you're checking in is generated
from a script, the best practice would be to version control the
script, and regenerate the "heavy" data files on the client side after
the checkout. This helps both checkout time (most people's internet
connections have lower bandwidth than their hard drives, so generating
the data locally is a better use of time) and your quota situation.

In this case, looking through your repository, I don't see any data
generation scripts, so I assume that the data files are provided to
you as-is for the course or something?

Either way, it doesn't seem like you're misusing the platform, which
is the main reason the quotas exist (to prevent runaway abuse from
eating too much disk). I've doubled your Subversion quota, which
should give you plenty of space to finalize your project, as it looks
like it's in the final stages.

I do have one point of concern about the content you are hosting (and
its open-sourceness), which I'll take up with you privately. But for
the quota request specifically, you're good to go.

- Dave

> Would it be at all possible to get more quota? The project in question
> is http://code.google.com/p/jotunheimur
> Best regards, Stefan Freyr.
> >

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