Yes, I think the question is important because it's an issue of

Don't think that some related element or a corresponding event
listener is removed 'automatically' when the marker is removed from
the map. Can definitely make sense to remove them separately and every
time after they have been used and additionally to delete the marker
object - especially when otherwise many ot them are existing in the
'background' memory.

On Sep 16, 10:58 am, Gianpiero Venditti <>
> Thanks for the quick answer, maybe i explained myself bad.
> What i would like to know is this:
> 1 - I create a visible marker with an infowindow that contains a div
> 2 - I remove this marker from the map using marker.setMap(null)
> Do i have to take care of removing the infowindow element or the removal is
> automatic when its correspondent marker is removed?

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