
I'm not talking about Google Groups, but about making groups inside

Imagine you want to use the same account for family, a group of
friends, some other group of firends, mates from the university or
course you are studiying, certain hobby, work, personal projects, your

You may want to share certain contents to certain group(s) but not the
rest. Those places could work as "subaccounts" having a list of
contacts, different apps running on them and maybe even an always
opened "Snapshots!" common chatty-like place.

An example could be: Imagine you have stupid photos and videos from a
party that don't want to be seen from other friends or work, or some
company photos that don't want to be shared outside certain people
because it might give hints about bussiness strategies to competence.
That group thing could be quite interesting for showing it only to
certain people of that group. Or a secret project about something that
you want to develop it in a new company with some people, and noot
nood to prepare a difficult to integrate set of website apps that
finally end being annoying to use between all participants (wiki,
chat, forum...).

Other idea that Wave devs have in mind is a very strong integration
with other services like Picasa, Google Chat, Google Code, Orkut,
Calendar, Youtube...

Another idea is making it social, creating "channels" like in chats
per interests or locations. Those must avoid the chaotic way of social
networks (and lack of integration of IRC or webchats), messing all
content in a same place but separating them instead and having a real
time chat place too.

The idea is able to replace most services I used or csing by Wave:
Photo sharing, social networks, private blogs, private wikis, private
forums, small mailing lists...

In social networks there are lots of them and total a segmentation.
Why not merge it (Orkut, re you alive outside Brazil and some other
country?) into Wave and make a proper redesign so become effective and
really useful for everything? Social, proffessional, media, hobbies...

I'm not able to develep it right now, so placing the idea here for
further discussion, I hope it can be interesting to read to some devs
and can make them think, even if finally it's not interesting enough
in the original way but can made them think about other more
interesting ideas related or not.


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