
After looking at your code, I noticed that you still haven't added a
state callback that would handle the changes to the state.

After applying cmdskp's suggestion above to your rollTheDice()
function, I'd suggest you copy the init() and function from the
tutorial sample at 
Then after that, create a stateUpdated() function which would check
the state if there's already a dice value in the state e.g.

    function stateUpdated() {
      if(!wave.getState().get('dice')) {
        document.getElementById('results_td').innerHTML = "";
        document.getElementById('numdice').disabled = false;
        document.getElementById('numside').disabled = false;
        document.getElementById('butRollDice').disabled = false;
      else {
        document.getElementById('results_td').innerHTML = "You rolled:
" + wave.getState().get('dice');
        document.getElementById('numdice').disabled = true;
        document.getElementById('numside').disabled = true;
        document.getElementById('butRollDice').disabled = true;

On Nov 6, 5:41 am, Steven Melendez <melendez.stev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a gadget as a dice roller (http://www.stevenkmelendez.net/
> wavediceroller.xml). It works fine to roll dice. However, if I leave
> the wave and reenter it, all the dice rolling gadgets go to their
> original form (with no dice roll information retained). How do I keep
> that information available AND if possible disable the gadget
> functions so it can't be 'rerolled'.

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