Kelly, since you have experience with this, I'd like you to be the decider
(i.e. Freeland is now waiting on your LGTM).

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Freeland Abbott <
> wrote:

> I think the argument is more for "unnecessary" rather than "bad"...
>> although without JsArrayBase (we can make it package-protected, and call it
>> JsArrayImpl if anyone cares), we duplicate the JSNI implementation for a
>> couple trivial methods.  I thought refactoring them into one place was nice,
>> but trivial enough that I'm not fighting over it.  Revised patch attached; I
>> can go either way on this.
>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Scott Blum <> wrote:
>>> I'm going to punt this review to Bruce & Kelly, 'cause I have no idea why
>>> having JsArrayBase would be bad. :)
>>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Freeland Abbott <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Scott, we already talked about this, but here's the patch for public
>>>> review.
>>>> The basic goal is to surface the native length, sort, push, and shift
>>>> operators for JsArrays... I know you mentioned that IE6's push may be 
>>>> slower
>>>> than indexed extension, and thus a candidate for deferred binding, but I
>>>> wanted to get a basic implementation in first.
>>>> There should be only checkstyle changes from what we discussed (though
>>>> that obviously doesn't help the rest GWTC).  I also added some checkstyle
>>>> fixes to JavaScriptObject, introduced by my c5082.


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