On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Joel Webber <j...@google.com> wrote:

> If we want to support IE6 fully (which I hate having to do, but it's hard
> to argue with the fact that it still account for ~20% of the market,
> depending upon whose stats you use), then I think this is basically the only
> approach that will work. We all agree that the DirectX filter is far too
> memory hungry, especially on the old machines that are often still running
> IE6. Bundling images with disparate palettes into a single 8-bit image is
> far too unpredictable, which seems pretty unacceptable to me. So I will
> argue that we should, on IE6:
> - Leave GIFs alone.

Even those without transparency?

> - Turn PNGs with transparency into GIFs.
>   - Open question: How should we clamp the [0, 255] alpha channel to [0,
> 1]?

If we have to do that anyway, why not just make them 1-bit alpha PNGs?

> - Bundle only those images without transparency into PNGs.
> - Stop using the DirectX filter altogether.
> Does anyone have any really strong objection to this approach? It will add
> some extra requests on IE6 under some circumstances, but that's got to be
> better than either (a) completely mangling bundled images, or (b) blowing
> massive amounts of memory.

If we leave all GIFs alone, I suspect that will remove image bundle benefits
on IE6 in most instances.  I am not sure why we need to leave them alone if
they don't have transparency -- why not treat them as we do today?

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


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