I'd like to start off by saying a big THANKS.
We've been hanging out for this, and it is making a great first

In regards to GEP, validation, code completion etc. Would it be
possible to use a xml schema per name space?
My XSD skills aren't to the point where I would know if this is even
If this is a Buddha nature question, then please let me unask it.

Could the need to custom parsers be solved by the same mechanism as
the GEP support?
Again with some meta data for widgets or widget packages.
e.g. XSD per package or an UiBinder Widget Annotations.

Are more custom parsers being written for the GWT UI components?
Or is this the set until the public parsing interface is nailed down?
As an example
I tried to use visibleItemCount on ListBox go an exception
 "class ListBox has no appropriate setVisibleItemCount() method."
This is easy enough to work around by place the setVisibleItemCount
all in the java code.

Would it make any sense for @UiField to be applied to a setter/getter
It might then be possible to code an interface that is bound to the ui
and allow different implementions. e.g. a common dialog interface.

Gary Miller

On Aug 11, 12:08 am, Miguel Méndez <mmen...@google.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Arthur Kalmenson 
> <arthur.k...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > We've been playing with UiBinder and I thought it'd be a good idea to
> > share what we've seen so far (and ask some questions).
> > Some of the apps we write are used by more then one hospital and this
> > requires a tailored UI depending on the user's preferences and to
> > store additional information that a particular hospital needs to keep
> > track of. At the moment, writing UI in a swing style, we program to
> > interfaces and use GIN to bind everything together. Using different
> > AbstractGinModules and Ginjectors, we can tie the application together
> > in different ways using different UI implementations. What would be
> > the way to do this with UiBinder? From what we could tell, one would
> > use UiTemplate, but there doesn't seem to be a way to configure the
> > String in UiTemplate easily through a GIN module. Are there
> > alternatives?
> > Following the programming to interfaces theme, we've been doing that
> > with UiBinder, but have run into an issue when trying to build a
> > larger UI page out of smaller ui.xml classes. It seems that referring
> > to interfaces in ui.xml doesn't work, so you need to work with direct
> > concrete classes. But this would force you to use a particular
> > implementation when we'd like to keep it generic.
> > Lastly, I guess this is something just for consideration for the
> > future, but having the GEP work with UiBinder would make using it a
> > lot easier. For example, having code completion, refactoring support
> > and error messages right in Eclipse. This would be something like the
> > Spring IDE plugin that one you configure Spring XML files with all the
> > above features.
> We have started looking at how the GPE could support UiBinder.  Of course,
> validation with markers and quick fixes, refactoring, etc are all part of
> it.
> > Thanks again for the UiBinder, we'll definitely have to spend more time
> > with it.
> > Best regards,
> > --
> > Arthur Kalmenson
> --
> Miguel

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