Comment by

Here are instructions for Eclipse 3.5, with Google Plugin version 1.1  
(which comes with it own distribution of GWT) on Snow Leopard, using  
Firefox 3.5.

1. Checkout and build GWT code according to instructions posted here (run  
just dist-dev goal):

2. Copy and expand trunk/build/dist/gwt-mac-0.0.0.tar.gz to a separate  
directory (let's call it 'gwt-mac-trunk') like any other stand alone  
distribution of GWT.

3. Add the new version of GWT to your Eclipse configuration:
3.1 Select Eclipse -> Preferences -> Google -> Web Toolkit
3.2 Click Add... and select installation directory for gwt-mac-trunk  
(accept default name).
3.3 Click OK. You should have now second SDK configured.
3.4 Select newly created SDK and click OK one more time to close Eclipse  
settings screen.

4. Configure runtime classpath
4.1 Choose Run -> Run Configurations
4.2 Choose the <project name> you are going to run using OOPHM and click on  
Classpath tab
4.3 Select User Entries and click Add External Jars...
4.4 Add gwt-dev-oophm.jar from gwt-mac-trunk and make sure, the jar is  
positioned after src but BEFORE <project name>(default classpath) entry
4.4 Save changes and run the project.

5. Chances are, you are going to get a message that the browser OOPHM  
plugin is missing even if you installed it, because you don't have the  
development version installed. Uninstall the previous version of the plugin  
and follow the link provided in the message to install the new one.

6. After restarting your browser and restarting the project in the Eclipse,  
you should get the following message in the console window:
http://localhost:8080/Hello.html?gwt.hosted=<your IP address>:9997 (note  
that in my case I had to use my real IP and not just

For more information:


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