Comment by mmastrac:

brett - we use OOPHM + Google's Eclispe plugin on Macs daily here. What  
we've done is create our own launch configs that reference the appropriate  
GWT libs rather than allowing the eclipse plugin to manage them.

The classpath in the target is (only include these exact items!):

1. source paths for project
2. binary path for project (used for any generators you might have)
3. gwt-oophm
4. "GWT SDK" from google's eclipse plugin

If you are using FF3.5, the OOPHM available publicly won't work. We built  
our own FF3.5 OOPHM using an updated version of the xulrunner SDK.

We're using this day-to-day with zero trouble. It's actually the same  
launch config we've used from GWT 1.4. When Google's eclipse plugin was  
released, we replaced the gwt-dev-mac with the automatic GWT SDK classpath  
entry. With trunk, we just added gwt-dev-oophm above the SDK classpath  

One other thing to note: you might also have JVM args under Workspace >  
Prefs > Java > Installed JREs > ... > Default VM arguments.

For more information:


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