On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Pascal Muetschard

> 1) What happens if the module returned by getModuleName() already specifies
> a fix value for a given property? More generally, how should one think about
> how these annotations dovetail with the settings in the module config?
> The annotation will override what is defined in the module. I think that's
> what is expected and "it just works".

Makes sense. Normally, when you <set-property> you can specify multiple
values (which often generates multiple permutations, though not always).
Seems like the annotation should support that if it doesn't.

2) The terminology is different than we've used in the past. Granted, we
>> haven't been very consistent with the term for "deferred binding properties"
>> (e.g. we've also called them "client properties"), but we've never called
>> them "module parameters". I know that doesn't make for a nice annotation
>> name, but I do want to avoid introducing yet another name for the same
>> concept.
> Good point. I will do the rename and publish another patch.

Sadly, I'm not positive what the right name should be. Perhaps

I'd like to hear from others as to the best term.
@WithDeferredBindingProperties seems too weighty.

>  3) Would these annotations apply to the benchmarking subsystem? Should
> they? Could they?
> Yes it could. The simplest way would be to change the benchmark
> JUnitShell.Strategy to extend the new strategy. I don't know the benchmark
> system well, so I didn't want to change it. If somebody that does know the
> benchmark system well could look at this, I'd be more than happy to help...

I'd really like to look into this at the same time. It's always so much
harder to find time to go back and retrofit these kinds of enhancements than
to just add them uniformly when they first go in.

@John L: Thoughts? Could you point Pascal in the right direction w.r.t.


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