My letter to Santa Claus ;)
1. A real DataGrid (maybe integrate ScrollTable from gwt-incubator)
2. DataBinding & Validation
3. UiBinder Eclipse plugin
4. Integrate more widgets from gwt-incubator (Spinner, Sliderbar,
Glasspanel, CollapsiblePanel, Canvas, etc.) and others (gwt-dnd)
5. Improve animation effects (fade, slide, etc.)
6. Provide a MVP framework


On Dec 17, 11:09 am, Matteo <> wrote:
> +1 DataBinding & Validation
> Matteo
> On 17 dic, 02:47, Isaac Truett <> wrote:
> > I'd like to see SuggestBox get a little love. For example:
> >
> > And one of those issues links to this thread where I had some other
> > thoughts on SuggestBox improvements:
> >
> > And if I could include a wish for future GPE development it would be
> > wizards, automated refactorings, and reusable code templates. Things
> > like:
> >
> > I already have at least one SuggestBox patch floating around out
> > there. I'd be happy to update that and work on other SuggestBox
> > features, too, in my "spare" time. If somebody with commit privs cares
> > to buddy up for design and review, please feel free to contact me on
> > or off list. :)
> > Oh, and woohoo GWT 2.0! Go team!
> > - Isaac
> > On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Bruce Johnson <> wrote:
> > > Working on a draft one.
> > > What do folks here think is important?
> > > On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 7:42 AM, tfreitas <> wrote:
> > >> What about roadmap?
> > >> --
> > >>
> > > --
> > >


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