As you'll see in the first note in this thread, Incubator is closing down.

Having your work in its own project is exactly the right thing to do. If it
becomes an appropriate addition for GWT proper, we'll eagerly help you
integrate it. In the meantime, the community can use it and shape it without
waiting for the GWT team to get in the mix.


On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Mark Renouf <> wrote:

> I've developed "gwt-html5-media", which implements all the common
> functionality described in the "Media Element" section of the HTML5
> spec, including the specific functionality for Video and Audio tags,
> including all of the events and settings. I could use some help
> testing and improving it and perhaps some advice on how to better
> handle usage of the large number of new native events available
> (currently side-steps the main GWT sinkEvents code instead using it's
> own, since it exhausts the available number of free bitfield
> definitions there).
> Would something like this be welcome in incubator or simply as a side
> project for eventual inclusion into GWT? I'd like to see the HTML5
> support rounded out so this plus the Canvas support would me a major
> step forward. I know there is also another pure-canvas implementation
> for GWT within the SpeedTracer project. I'm not sure if VML fallback
> is worth the complexity if the only browser supporting it does not
> support any other HTML5 features anyhow... but that's a point for
> debate elsewhere I suppose ;-)
> On Jan 12, 1:04 pm, John LaBanca <> wrote:
> > Incubator Users -
> >
> > The Google Web Toolkit Incubator project began as a proving grounds for
> new
> > widgets to be vetted before joining the ranks of the GWT trunk. We've
> seen
> > some success stories over the last year with EventHandlers, ClientBundle,
> > and DatePicker, but for many of the widgets and libraries, Incubator has
> > become an elephant graveyard.
> >
> > In order to address this issue, we will start graduating some of the
> > libraries to GWT trunk, move some into separate projects, and discontinue
> > development on others. Ultimately, we will wind down the incubator
> project
> > completely.
> >
> > The schedule below shows the fate of each subproject in incubator. It's a
> > tentative schedule, meaning that it could change as priorities shift.
> >
> > GWT 2.1
> >
> >    - *PagingScrollTable and FastTree*
> >    We are working on a new set of data backed widgets for GWT 2.1 that
> will
> >    include APIs for trees and tables. We will build upon the lessons
> learned
> >    with these incubator widgets, but the API for the new data backed
> widgets
> >    will evolve significantly from the current APIs. When the data backed
> >    widgets are added to GWT trunk, we will stop development on
> >    the PagingScrollTable and FastTree.
> >
> >    - *Locale Selection*
> >    Selecting the locale on the server requires one less round trip to the
> >    server on startup and is needed for effective use of
> >    runtime locales selection.  This library will be included in GWT 2.1.
> >
> > GWT 2.2
> >
> >    - *CollapsiblePanel*
> >    This widget will probably become a subclass of DockingLayoutPanel,
> >    similar to SplitLayoutPanel.
> >
> >    - *SliderBar and ProgressBar*
> >    Both of these widgets currently require the use of a global timer,
> which
> >    has performance implications. If we can implement these without a
> resize
> >    timer, we will include them in GWT 2.2. If we cannot, we will
> discontinue
> >    development on them.
> >
> >    - *Logging*
> >    The logging API may make it into GWT 2.1 if time permits.
> >
> >    - *Form Validation*
> >    We will take a closer look at the form validation API in GWT 2.2..
> >
> > Separate Project:
> >
> >    - *SoundResource*
> >    SoundResource is a promising API for including sound in an
> application,
> >    but it makes sense to wait for HTML 5 features to become widely
> adopted
> >    before including it. We would like to move SoundResource into the
> gwt-voices
> >    project:
> >
> >    - *Graphics*
> >    The graphics library provides a single, platform independent API that
> >    works on top of Canvas and VML. The library is not ready for GWT
> trunk, but
> >    this project is worth pursuing.
> >
> >    - *HtmlDecorators*
> >    We will continue to work on this project to arbitrarily add
> decorations
> >    to widgets.
> >
> > As always, please feel free to reply with comments or suggestions.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John LaBanca
> > on behalf of the GWT team
> --

I wish this were a Wave


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