My previous attempt to submit our code as a false positive disappeared into a 
black hole. I did get back a note saying it was acknowledged as a false 
positive and our user reports disappeared for a while. Unfortunately, it looks 
like they just hacked around the issue - the reports showed up again a few days 

The original goal was to figure out what in the code was tickling the signature 
to see if it was RPC-related (which might look malicious to some). When I got 
the signature down to a handful of byte strings that matched string operations, 
I just ended up shaking my head.

I found a technical support number that I can try calling and seeing if I can 
get escalated. If that doesn't work, it might be easier to submit a minimal, 
harmless testcase from those keywords as a false positive. :)


On 2010-03-17, at 8:48 AM, Joel Webber wrote:

> This is Avira, isn't it? Ddi you ever hear anything back from them about 
> this? It seems like it really ought to be fixed on their end, though I 
> applaud your spelunking for a workaround :)
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Matt Mastracci <> wrote:
> On Mar 16, 12:42 pm, Matt Mastracci <> wrote:
> > > Holy cow -- how do they think that is an acceptable measure?  Surely they 
> > > could at least change the warning to say "potentially dangerous JS" or 
> > > something rather than declaring it a virus.
> > This probably will likely affect a significant number GWT applications that 
> > use RPC. Avira seems to check files ending in .js* and .html* for this 
> > pattern.  I verified that the scanner intercepts these patterns in HTTP 
> > traffic and detects them in IE cache files.  There might be some negative 
> > patterns as well: Avira doesn't block my message in the Google Groups web 
> > interface, but it does block it when viewing the raw message source.
> Even better: it turns out that if you put the string "google" anywhere
> in the file matching CryptedGen, it no longer matches the heuristic. I
> imagine that it would pick up the string from the class metadata for
> those not using -XdisableClassMetadata.
> So this is a virus:
> "for eval .fromcharcode .charcodeat math.min 0,0,0,0,0,0"
> And this is not:
> "google for eval .fromcharcode .charcodeat math.min 0,0,0,0,0,0"
> The easiest solution for us seems to be putting the string "Google Web
> Toolkit" in a comment in our header.
> Matt.
> --
> -- 


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