Yep, given that and the `if (cb.getValue)` mentioned by Paul returning
null wouldn't be good.  Returning false would be fine with me in this
case.  I presume the ValueChangeEvent would use false and not null?


On Aug 27, 7:27 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On 27 août, 03:02, Ray Ryan <> wrote:
> > Andrew, how would this be?
> >     CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
> >     cb.setValue(null);
> >     assertFalse(cb.getValue());
> +1
> Similar to:
>    TextBox tb = new TextBox();
>    tb.setValue(null);
>    assertEquals("", tb.getValue())
> and to Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(null)):
>    assertTrue(Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(Boolean.TRUE));
>    assertFalse(Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(Boolean.FALSE));
>    assertFalse(Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(null));
> And yes, this makes it different from the other "ValueBox"es, but they
> all depend on a Renderer/Parser pair, contrary to TextBoxBase and
> CheckBox.
> I'd add that at the DOM/JavaScript level, on setting, cb.checked
> coerces a 'null' to 'false':
>    var cb = document.createElement('input');
>    cb.type = 'checkbox';
>    cb.checked = true;
>    alert(cb.checked); // -> true
>    cb.checked = null;
>    alert(cb.checked) // -> false
> Note that some browsers (IE at least, others to come as it's spec'd in
> HTML5) support an "indeterminate" state, but that's just a display
> state, and doesn't affect the value/checkedness (which can only be
> true or false).


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