On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:04 AM, <b...@google.com> wrote:

> For the untranslatable validators, it seems more straightforward to have
> a super-source version of the annotation that's tagged as
> @NotGwtCompatible.
Hmm,  that might work.
However it could be complicated because I am actually deciding what
validators to use for GWT from the server side.  Note also the spec allows
the constraints defined in source to be overridden via a config file.

> Instead of having the sample app import the HibernateValidator package,
> would it make sense to have the gwt.Validation package include the
> HibernateValidator instead?

That would tie the user to Hibernate,  I think it is better to let the
choose between hibernate or  apache bval, or any serverside
JSR-303 implementation.

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