On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Eric Ayers <zun...@google.com> wrote:

> It was kind of disruptive to pass the suppressErrors setting around
> through method parameters.  I assume that's what you're talking about.


> The good thing about logging inside of CompilationStateBuilder is that
> there is a concious decision about what to do with errors when you
> build the CompliationState.

Yeah, but this sort of flips it around and says, "If you want errors, log

> Another small
> wrinkle is that in JavaToJavaScript compiler we've ditched the
> CompilationState to save memory before the time we want to report
> errors (but we could always just keep it or some subset of the data
> and log them at a TRACE/DEBUG level like this patch does.)

The new translator stuff I'm working on is going to get rid of that code
path, however.  It will work a lot more like CompilingClassLoader, and
explicitly log errors one unit at a time as you need to reference a unit
that had errors.  The compilation state will have to be around until after
we have the AST built out.



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