How big is your app? (KLOC)  Internally, we'd had success with <10s
refresh on some fairly largish apps. I'm wondering if something else
isn't going on. Note that the first compile usually takes long, but
subsequent ones are faster. Are you using UiBinder? One issue could be
generators using too much time.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Jens <> wrote:
>> Just to finish this off in case anyone else has the same problem -
>> this was fixed in r11031.
> Thanks for the info. I had the same problem but now it works. Now lets hope
> the compilation process will become a lot faster in the future. A single
> permutation of our app compiles on the code server in ~45 seconds and thats
> not really acceptable during development compared to the "classic" DevMode.
> -- J.
> --


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