On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 3:17 PM, John A. Tamplin <j...@jaet.org> wrote:
> Apparently I don't have post access to gwt-steering.

Yes, the group readable by everyone but only writable by the Steering
Committee members (this was the intended settings but they apparently
were setup wrong in the early days, so others have been able to post

Because you're going "technical", you might send your reply to
gwt-contrib instead.
And because it's about an issue, you could also have added a comment
on the issue itself ;-)
(granted, I could have Cc'd gwt-contrib too)

Following up to gwt-contrib then, and Cc'ing gwt-steering to somehow
notify the SC members.

>>    1. CRITICAL: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>    com/google/gwt/core/client/GWTBridge
>>    https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7527
> Regarding the server calling client issue -- is it correct that the client
> code is actually forked via super-source so that it works properly on
> client or server?

I believe so yes. Not sure all those classes have super-sources but I
don't think it's a problem either.

> If so, maybe we should rename it to shared,

That'd be a breaking change. These are mostly internals, but I bet at
least a few people are using c.g.g.user.client.rpc.core.* classes in
their own custom field serializers, so I guess it's too late for a
rename (and I'm not in the mood to introduce an indirection where all
(deprecated) *.client.* classes would just delegate to their
*.shared.* counterparts).

> and yes it definitely should use the shared GWT class.

Thomas Broyer


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