On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 4:22 PM, John A. Tamplin <j...@jaet.org> wrote:
> It should be the case
> that if you ever see server code referencing client classes it is an error,
> and if we leave things like this around then we won't ever get away from it.

Another place where server code (shared code actually) references
client code is I18N: at least c.g.g.i18n.shared.Bidi* classes
reference c.g.g.i18n.client.LocaleInfo and HasDirection.Direction;
there might be others. Have the Bidi* classes mistakenly been put in
shared instead of client, or was the client → shared move incomplete,
or should the Bidi* classes have been split in shared vs. client APIs?
I currently have no idea how/where to split I18N into
client/shared/server JARs.

Thomas Broyer


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