
Again preferring gwt-contrib for the discussion, even though this is
kind of a GWT steering/roap map discussion, but should we decide on an
official stance on JVM dev mode?

AFAICT, we've generally been considering it deprecated, given that
maintaining the plugins sucks, and the rest of the webdev world
(coffeescript, etc., who vastly out-number us, so will be much more
likely to get responsive changes for their approach into the various
browser implementations) is moving towards source map based solutions.

So, should we put a line in the sand like "GWT 3.0 will not have JVM dev

I have all sorts of good things to say about JVM DevMode, I just think
it's time has past, and I'd enjoy the architectural freedom and
codebase simplicity that would come from dropping it completely for/by
GWT 3.0. It would of course stay in any 2.x releases.

Obviously I have an extreme position on this, so would prefer getting a
GWT steering committee consensus. Not necessarily right now, but as we
have more roadmap discussions; perhaps a topic for the next meeting.

- Stephen

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