El viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013 00:51:25 UTC-3, Stephen Haberman 
> > implemented as a Java 8 compiler plugin (extension point) 
> Interesting! I had not heard of these before: 

It's curious, I googled about Java 8 compiler plugins when RayC said that 
you talked about a new code-gen feature in Java 8 

> It looks like these compiler plugins use "com.sun" packages, and are 
> not a JSR, which AFAIK means no Eclipse IDE nor ecj support? What does 
> that mean for your GWT-free deferred binding proposal? 

Yes, compiler plugins are an experimental feature, just like annotation 
processing tool was in Java 5. I hope it will be formalized in future Java 
versions. My plan is, as a first step, to externalize the Rebind annotation 
and the Rebinding.create() method/class (a GWT-free replacement for 
GWT.create()). These could be in an external package, like rebinding 
(javax.rebinding would be an ideal :-P). Think about this API as a kind of 
JSR330, a minimalistic API describing only what should be done, but nothing 
about how to do it. Java 8 would implement it as a compiler plugin, GWT as 
a compiler improvement (we already have it, just look at my github profile 
In a second step, we could externalize the generator API, may be in a 
rebinding.generator package (again, an ideal would be 
javax.rebinding.generator). GWT-free generators should use 
In Java 8, these could be implemented as compiler plugins. In GWT, these 
new generators would be a kind of wrappers for old generators.
In a third step, we could externalize the deferred binding configuration 
(i.e. *.gwt.xml files). Annotations and/or guice like modules are 
interesting options.

> That aside, I think a GWT-free deferred binding API would be pretty 
> sexy. If one were starting GWT from scratch, I'd naively assert/agree 
> that the problems of "build-time codegen" and "transpiling .java to .js" 
> are orthogonal, and so should be tackled separately. Which would 
> ideally make both implementations smaller/simpler/better. 

Yes, in and ideal world, I would like to have these compilation steps:

JavaCode => JavaToJRibbleCompiler (Java 8 compiler plugin) => JRibbleCode
JRibbleCode => JRibbleToJavaScriptCompiler => JavaScriptCode

As we live in a dirty corrupted world, we must replicate implementations. 
For JRE/Android, we could implement it as Java 8 plugin/JDT extension (if 
it exists)/whatever. In GWT, as a compiler enhancement (It already exists!).

Anyway, it's really exciting to see your contributions, Andres, your 
> write up was very good. 

You are welcome, thanks for your feedback! 

- Andrés Testi

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