On Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 9:37:58 PM UTC+2, Relja Pcela wrote:
> It would be really nice to see some new answers on this kind of questions 
> from GWT contributors other than: "We don't know how GWT3 will look like in 
> this moment but we know that J2CL will not include this and that" because 
> this sentence is almost 2 years old.

We don't really know how GWT 3 will look like, but we know we'll base it 
upon j2cl, which means no JSNI and GWT.create() magic (no generators, no 
deferred-binding configuration in XML files).
We've said repeatedly that we were waiting to actually being able to start 
*playing* with j2cl to have a better understanding of what would be 
possible or impossible, what would need to be done, etc.
We want to start prototyping things.
And only then we'll be able to form a better image of what GWT 3 could look 

Incidentally, you've had 2 years to start planning for it:

   - remove as much JSNI as possible, leaving mostly one-liners that could 
   then easily be replaced with JsInterop (and now that JsInterop is here with 
   a beta of Elemental 2, that last migration can be started too)
   - replace <replace-with> in gwt.xml with System.getProperty("…") and a 
   switch…case (or if/else for more complex cases); this is relatively 
   straightforward and can possibly even be (partially) automated (first step: 
   generate, from the XML, a proxy class whose constructor does the switch on 
   implementation, and replace the <replace-with> rules with a single one 
   using the proxy class; second step: generate a static factory with that 
   same switch code, and use it instead of the GWT.create())
   - replace generators with annotation processors (first step: have the 
   processor generate a *.gwt.xml file with <replace-with> rules; second step: 
   rpelace the GWT.create() calls) or preprocessors (or a combination of both).

GWT-RPC *is* problematic, but not insurmountable. People (me included) 
question whether this is a good idea though, but others disagree.
We haven't seen the community engaging much in any discussion trying to 
move things forward though: if I tell you GWT-RPC won't be the same, can 
you tell me how you'd like it to be? (a preprocessor? a whitelist of 
classes in annotations on the RemoteService interfaces? what if it 
generated server-side code too instead of the serialization policy files?)
Fortunately, there have been people trying new things though (autorest for 

UiBinder and ClientBundle have their issues, too; but maybe they need to be 
replaced with new tools leveraging the new toolchain, along with automated 
migration tools?
Regarding ClientBundle, isn't it now seen as a bad practice (with HTTP/2) 
to bundle assets inside the JS code?

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