My responses to specific points:

Removing JSNI, <replace-with>, generators... we ourselves were careful 
enough to either never use some of these and/or to abstract and encapsulate 
their use. However everyone here seems to take the perspective of "it is 
just one product of one company that is affected". It isn't. Some of us 
have our customers who develop additions too. Even if we have code to clean 
up and clean it up, it still renders the solution incompatible with add-ons 
created by others. There is *no* migration here. Customer buys a foundation 
(A) from one company and add-ons (B) and (C) from two other companies. They 
then upgrade (A) to (A2) and suddenly (B) and (C) don't work. They cannot 
and won't just ask for new (B) and (C) - this may not be possible for 
business or technical reasons. Migration is not a model at all. It is a 
complete breakage.

GWT RPC itself has a lot of problems but the central part of it that cannot 
be done efficiently outside the core compiler without hooks made 
specifically for this is the serialization of restricted-visibility fields 
of classes made by third parties. Yes, it could be addressed by uet another 
preprocessor but why-oh-why do this? TeaVM does not do this but allows for 
it to be made using Metaprogramming API. Otherwise, serialization-related 
analysis of GWT is presently horribly inefficient and *can* be done really 
well - it does NOT need to be slow like some were saying., It is slow with 
the current design - that much is certainly true. Whitelisting (yes) and 
annotations are valid approaches. For example, w/o better approaches one 
could use *.gwt.xml to whitelist if not do it from annotations (which would 
be better). This really does not need to take significant time at all.

I am a little thin on UiBinder... can't talk much about it other than, 
perhaps, also provide ways for this to be optional and a separate module 
during compilation.

ClientBundle - whatever it is or isn't, it was a way to encapsulate styles 
in widgets and do other things. See my comment on migration not being a 
model for large cases. Being able to access resources is a part of Java, 
one way or another ... and this would form yet another thing that wasn't 
quite Java but is close... and is getting lost too.

Re: "First, GWT 2.x is not dead yet or for the foreseeable future."... 
How's that? Maybe it isn't dead but it seems to be on deathbed, with very 
little life support and no (communicated) vision of future at all. All we 
have is that it isn't GWT 3 and that GWT 3 is significantly less than GWT 2 
but with J2CL and somewhat better JavaScript interop that may or not be 

Re: "Do you have the slightest idea what amount of work that represents?! 
Given that Google won't do it (on their own dime), it'd be highly unlikely 
that it'd be free or even opensource." ... Yes, I actually do. Do you have 
any idea how much work that would save? I don't need a solution that does 
not reduce my work. GWT 3 increases that work. With respect to 
free/opensource - I can't comment on that as I can't predict future but I 
tend to agree for other reasons. Otherwise, there are much more complex 
open source and free solutions oht there. Some are funded by the sponsor 
companies who they benefit, some aren't but there is a set up guidance. You 
say "Incidentally, you've had 2 years to start planning for it..." but that 
is not really the case as there was this illusion that there existed a body 
that actually cares about what happens to existing users *OR* GWT 3 in 
general. At the same time there were announcements that 2.x will continue 
and that there is a steering committee, so there were hopes that it will 
realize the importance of things being dropped. Incomplete, unclear and 
downright misleading communication and ignorance of current users brought 
us here. Sure enough, I agree that Google does not need to foot the bill 
for this if it doesn't care, but I would have appreciated some more honesty.

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