Tomcat is keeping it's log-files in "tomcat 6.0\logs" or "/tomcat6/
logs". Look for preferences to know what file that is, but basically
you can just take the file with the last "changed"-date. Normally
you'll find all Exceptions- or "System.out.print"-output-messages

P.S. Is Linux your deployment environment? In that case "C:\logE.txt"
could be a problem ;-)

On 17 Sep., 13:25, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ryan schrieb:
> > I am talking about server side code here, because the client would
> > anyway not support writing files.
> Doesn't prevent people from trying ;-)
> > Problem is how do I view this stack trace of the error .
> > Where can I view the stack trace.
> > Any pointers to how to view the stack trace.
> I don't know Tomcat in detail but every HTTP-server has something
> like a log-file, so look for that file in the Tomcat or system-
> wide logs-directory. Another way would be write your own logs but
> if the reason is a lack of permission that isn't an option.
> Regards, Lothar
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