King schrieb:
> On 27 Dez., 14:12, Lothar Kimmeringer <> wrote:
>> King schrieb:
>>> (TypeError):
>>> '$wnd.Ext.StatusBar' ist Null oder kein Objekt
>> Have you searched for this error-message using your search-engine
>> of least mistrust? There should be a lot of threads about this.
>>> I use:
>> [...]
>>> GWT-EXT:
>> the wrapper-classes but not the Javscript-library of Ext...
> which search engine do you mean ?

The one you also use to find all the things you want to know
before you ask people actually to let them solve your problem.

> Do mean that I habe to search in the
> Internet ?...

Yes, trying to find the solution for yourself first is always
a good start. Especially this problem has been discussed also
on this list - where it's off topic because GWTExt != GWT -
where answers already have been given.

> Can you explain it to me clearlear ?

In your language: Such erst mal selbst nach einer Loesung,
bevor Du es anderen einfach so vor die Nase wirfst. Hier
sitzen die Leute nicht einfach nur herum und langweilen sich,
so dass diese "ich habe keine Lust, mich damit zu beschaeftigen"-
Fragen einfach eher unbeantwortet bleiben.

> I included the gwt-ext.jar file in eclipse ?

but not the Ext-project containing all the javascript-files
and other resources that are actually implementing all
the functionalies. The project-page gives you a link to the
page where you can download the library. As well there are
enough error-messages in the log-window in hosted mode showing
problems by providing resources like js- and other files.

Regards, Lothar

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