My thoughts on javafx:
- jnpl start: Web apps are supposed to run in web browser!  More over
they are supposed to co-exist with other stuff on the webpage, example
javascript, html. While I like the concept of webstart for deploying
desktop based applications through internet, I dont really buy the
idea of calling a webstart based app as RIA. I would rather call it as
desktop based swing app with a different skin!
- New scripting language. Why? Why should I learn a new scripting
language? I love java... and sun is asking me to write my code in
something else? why? Who is sun targeting? Developers or designers? or
both?? I am confused here... JavaFX Script is a big no no for me.
- Its not cool enough! Java fx would had been cool if it was released
in early swing days, not now. It is not smooth enough. It is not
catchy enough. Compare it with Flash... it simply doesn't fly. Flash's
main advantage is animation and vector graphics which is not captured
properly by javafx.

I can go on and on... The point here is that if sun is coming up with
a client side tech(browser based or otherwise), it should 1. try to
bring in something better in comparison to the competition and 2.
Learn from its past mistakes(pushing applets and java run time in
client machine).

Disclaimer: I have not developed a real application from javafx. My
knowledge is restricted to samples and demos provided by sun.

I wonder why google-gwt team didnt register a jsr for gwt?

Browser is getting faster and feature rich. Java should make browser
work to its advantage. Sun's approach is isolation... it wants to get
out of the browser into its own jvm to do things. Html 5 is so
exciting. Imagine a swing based application rendering in HTML5 canvas!
As I said earlier, Sun should think out of its jvm/jre mind set at
least for client apps.

Silverlight: Not much knowledge/experience in that area. I will go
with flash instead of Silverlight any day(another discussion!)

Finally: I think javascript and HTML5 is the future of Internet based
applications. With that said, any technology that works in that
direction is a good technology. gwt, gears, canvas, netscape browser
itself, etc ... all are going fwd technologies

Rakesh Wagh
On Mar 29, 10:35 pm, Guy Rouillier <> wrote:
> On Mar 29, 9:46 pm, Rakesh <> wrote:
> > oops, forgot to mention: javafx is such a wrong initiative and waste
> > of time energy and resources in wrong direction!
> Care to expand on why you think so?  Why is JavaFX more a waste of
> time than, say, Silverlight?
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