>>Weak reference (Weak listener in SWT/Swing) that isn't supported
>>in javascript, but does in javaFX (java).
You can simulate this in gwt.
About speed and performance: Remember js runs inside the browser. It
is completely at the mercy of browser(unlike applets). You should see
the js engine improvements in firefox 3.1 and chrome. They are
ultrafast for js. Js differs from pure java in the sense that it is
single threaded. However this will change in coming years. We recently
developed a sizeably big application using gwt over the past 1.5
years. I can tell you that without any code for freeing/releasing/
cleaning up objects etc, we had pretty good performance...

If I am working with browsers, my first choice will be browser dom and
not plugins! GWT makes so much sense with that aspect... As I said
earlier, google should submit the gwt as a jsr in jcp. Or sun enggs
should rethink for client side java. Again, translating java into js
or any other code that runs on client would be better than forcing the
jvm/bytecode approach. And I say this after writing my first ever web
based program as java applet and not jsp/aps/servlet or cgi script.

On Mar 31, 4:02 am, Ed <post2edb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > - New scripting language. Why? Why should I learn a new scripting
> > language? I love java... and sun is asking me to write my code in
> Can't agree with you on this one. You should see javaFx as a DSL
> (Domain Specific Language).
> That is: every problems asks for another solution. In this case javaFX
> simple fits better in solving the RIA solutions.
> And don't worry, you can still do a lot in java, and javaFX looks a
> lot like it.
> If you are a swing/gwt programming, it has some realllly nice things
> like for example the "bind" keyword. Just one keyword to bind a
> variable to some screen presentation. I gwt, you have to use a
> listener, listener collection, etc... to realize this (and clean it up
> properly to overcome memory problems).
> I can give you manyyyy advantages of this... Not even to speak about
> the Weak reference (Weak listener in SWT/Swing) that isn't supported
> in javascript, but does in javaFX (java).
> My experience: in complex RIA app's, this isn't a NICE to have, this
> is a MUST-have...
> Try it and you will understand what I mean. I had about the same
> thoughts before trying it and only playing with simple RIA app's...!
> > Disclaimer: I have not developed a real application from javafx. My
> > knowledge is restricted to samples and demos provided by sun.
> That explains the above remarks...
> What I miss in this discussion: the whole enterpise strategy plans,
> which will break/make javaFx. Just the same as how Microsoft made sure
> their OS was accepted and a success was born (together with the
> richest man on this planet)....... Soooo time will tell how Java will
> be accepted in the browser and if we can really use javaFX in a year
> or so just like Flash. Things look promising, but still..... it's Sun
> behind it, and not microsoft and they aren't so well in Marketing....
> Just my thoughs,
> Ed
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