
I actually downloaded a January 7th image I found on the web. Do you
know if that version has the Webkit/SquirrelFish updates in it?

Sorry if this thread has kinda gotten a little off the tracks, guys.


On Apr 8, 12:57 pm, Jason Parekh <jasonpar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Evan Ruff <evan.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > Little stream of conciseness here, sorry if this is a bit long/
> > disjoined.
> > I was wondering if anyone had done any work with GWT and the Android
> > Browser. While I'm getting basic functionality to work, the general
> > speed, responsiveness and user experience seem very sluggish and,
> > well, sorta bad. Another issue I'm having is locating a group to go to
> > for support, examples and help. While I'm interested in GWT with
> > Android, it seems that Android Developers Group is really only
> > interested in native apps. Where to go for Browser specific help?
> I recommend the Android lists--some members of the Android browser
> team monitor those lists (I don't think any of them monitor this
> list).  Also, filing bugs on the tracker is always recommended.
> As for trying out cupcake, you can build an emulator running Cupcake
> with the instructions athttp://source.android.com/download.
> jason
> > Anyways, some of the particulars I've run into:
> > What group to go to?
> > 1. Issues Controlling the viewport: No matter what I do, I can't seem
> > to get proper control of the viewport. Editing the meta data, overflow
> > CSS properties, insuring that the window's objects are small, etc. I'm
> > continually getting white space borders and stuff like that. This
> > causes weird finger behavior, especially allowing the user to browse
> > into the white space.
> > 2. HTML5/Gears Wrappers: I was wondering if the Gears API has an
> > implementation to support HTML5 storage/cache issues in case of a non-
> > gears enabled client. If not, is there a library anywhere that
> > supports the encapsulation for GWT?
> > 3. MouseListeners: The OS seems to swallow up the MouseUp event in
> > order to do detection of scroll/drag type stuff. I guess I understand
> > why it does it for the drag type thing, but it never fires MouseUp
> > even after the drag is done. Ehh... fair enough, I guess.
> > 4. Focus Panel ClickListeners: When I click a focus panel, a orange
> > circle shows up in the upper/left corner with what seems like a cursor
> > in it? (http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff2/gte619n/
> > selectBubble.png) Also seems like a non-trivial delay between the
> > press and then a following action. Makes the app seem especially
> > sluggish.
> > 5. Image Loading/Display: Seems really slow. Even when doing
> > background repositioning to flip sprites. Additionally, the images
> > don't seem to load in any fixed order and method. Also seems to hang
> > when loading images (http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff2/gte619n/
> > selectBubble.png) I've attempted to get around this by doing Prefetch
> > and such, but nothing seems to work. Seems like it needs to talk
> > itself into refreshing the screen after loading finishes (even in
> > localhost in the emulator)
> > 6. Visibility hide/show: Very sluggish in general.
> > 7. Scroll inside divs: Flat out doesn't support this. I guess the
> > Cupcake release, bringing the browser up to Nov 2008 Webkit, should
> > fix this but I still don't have any visibility into that release.
> > Has anyone compiled some best practices to use when building an
> > Application for Android? Maybe even some widgets or JSNI breakouts to
> > better manage the behavior and performance of the app?
> > Thanks!
> > Evan
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