Being very new to Android (read: I've launched the emulator and tried
our GWT app in it), I'll only answer a few of your questions.

On 8 avr, 18:22, Evan Ruff <> wrote:
> 2. HTML5/Gears Wrappers: I was wondering if the Gears API has an
> implementation to support HTML5 storage/cache issues in case of a non-
> gears enabled client. If not, is there a library anywhere that
> supports the encapsulation for GWT?

I'd love to add an HTML5 module to GWT-in-the-AIR with deferred
binding to use native HTML5 support, Gears or Adobe AIR. I haven't had
time to do that though (with the gain in productivity given by the
Google Plugin for Eclipse, that might appear a bit sooner than I'd
have previously expected).

> 4. Focus Panel ClickListeners: When I click a focus panel, a orange
> circle shows up in the upper/left corner with what seems like a cursor
> in it? (
> selectBubble.png) Also seems like a non-trivial delay between the
> press and then a following action. Makes the app seem especially
> sluggish.

This is due to a limitation of WebKit that doesn't allow focusing
elements (even those with a tabIndex), so GWT adds a "hidden" textbox.
Unfortunately, the textbox isn't always hidden (you'll see the same
artifact if you use a Tree widget): the orange circle is the textbox
outline and it actually *is* a cursor/caret in it.
I don't know if this is fixed in recent WebKit builds but you can play
a bit with the deferred bindings to at least make focusable panels non-
focusable on Android (I don't know Android enough to know if focus
panels have a true added value in there)

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