Hey guys,

Little stream of conciseness here, sorry if this is a bit long/

I was wondering if anyone had done any work with GWT and the Android
Browser. While I'm getting basic functionality to work, the general
speed, responsiveness and user experience seem very sluggish and,
well, sorta bad. Another issue I'm having is locating a group to go to
for support, examples and help. While I'm interested in GWT with
Android, it seems that Android Developers Group is really only
interested in native apps. Where to go for Browser specific help?

Anyways, some of the particulars I've run into:

What group to go to?

1. Issues Controlling the viewport: No matter what I do, I can't seem
to get proper control of the viewport. Editing the meta data, overflow
CSS properties, insuring that the window's objects are small, etc. I'm
continually getting white space borders and stuff like that. This
causes weird finger behavior, especially allowing the user to browse
into the white space.

2. HTML5/Gears Wrappers: I was wondering if the Gears API has an
implementation to support HTML5 storage/cache issues in case of a non-
gears enabled client. If not, is there a library anywhere that
supports the encapsulation for GWT?

3. MouseListeners: The OS seems to swallow up the MouseUp event in
order to do detection of scroll/drag type stuff. I guess I understand
why it does it for the drag type thing, but it never fires MouseUp
even after the drag is done. Ehh... fair enough, I guess.

4. Focus Panel ClickListeners: When I click a focus panel, a orange
circle shows up in the upper/left corner with what seems like a cursor
in it? (http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff2/gte619n/
selectBubble.png) Also seems like a non-trivial delay between the
press and then a following action. Makes the app seem especially

5. Image Loading/Display: Seems really slow. Even when doing
background repositioning to flip sprites. Additionally, the images
don't seem to load in any fixed order and method. Also seems to hang
when loading images (http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff2/gte619n/
selectBubble.png) I've attempted to get around this by doing Prefetch
and such, but nothing seems to work. Seems like it needs to talk
itself into refreshing the screen after loading finishes (even in
localhost in the emulator)

6. Visibility hide/show: Very sluggish in general.

7. Scroll inside divs: Flat out doesn't support this. I guess the
Cupcake release, bringing the browser up to Nov 2008 Webkit, should
fix this but I still don't have any visibility into that release.

Has anyone compiled some best practices to use when building an
Application for Android? Maybe even some widgets or JSNI breakouts to
better manage the behavior and performance of the app?


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