It looks like it is a bug with Jetty instance used when a GWT-only web app
has JSPs with generics.
It does not appear that the App Engine
this problem.  I went ahead and filed a bug against GWT for this,
Issue 3557<>.
 As a workaround, you could add App Engine to your project.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Ken <> wrote:

> The app server is the one bundled with GWT hosted mode, I believe it's
> Jetty.  If you use a servlet that has 1.5 stuff in it, it works fine.
> When I was investigating, I noticed that the JSP does successfully
> produce a servlet.  I copied this servlet and compiled it myself and
> it worked fine, even in hosted mode.  I believe it's failing at the
> point where the generated servlet (.java) is being compiled into a
> class (.class).  Like you said, it seems like for some reason it's
> targeting version 1.4 or something like that.  It's confusing though
> that the problem is during compilation, because if you start with a
> servlet (rather than a JSP) it compiles with no problem.
> I have a feeling this might have something to do with it:
> It appears that something different happens underneath when a servlet
> is compiled as opposed to when a servlet generated by a JSP is
> compiled.
> On Apr 15, 7:31 am, Salvador Diaz <> wrote:
> > It looks like the app server on which you're trying to load the jsp
> > doesn't support java 1.5 or you compiled your jsp with 1.4 or
> > something like that. Can't really tell without more details though. I
> > hope that helps you.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Salvador
> >
> > On Apr 15, 4:13 am, Adrian <> wrote:
> >
> > > Ok, so it's not just me!
> >
> > > Does anyone have any idea on how to go about finding an answer to this
> > > problem? Even if you don't know the answer any suggestions are welcome
> > > because this one has me stumped.
> >
> > > - Adrian
> >
> > > On Apr 14, 3:23 pm, Ken <> wrote:
> >
> > > > I'm having the same exact problem.
> > > > I've tried it on both Mac OS X and Windows.
> >


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