The GData JS API is doing some fancy stuff to be able to POST data
across domains, etc, it's also fairly large (in number of classes) and
it's missing some large GData components (for Google Docs and
Spreadsheets). All of this i'm guessing is why Google doesn't have a
GWT library out for GData yet. I wouldn't want to code this manually
but i if i can automate it then it's ok.

> I'd rather wait to see some code ;-)
> (and I have so many projects yet that I don't have time to update...)

Oh right, no chance, it's now or never (or whenever you feel like up
to it, just let me know).

I'm counting on being able to auto-generate a decent wrapper without
much difficulty, if this becomes complex or beyond my means i'll just
let Google worry about it. This is why i want to test a rough version
of the wrapper ASAP.

Anyway thanks for all the pointers, i'll post more questions here as
they come up.


On Apr 20, 6:04 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Bobby wrote:
> > I realize that your getConstant approach has an initialization
> > overhead but i'm going to overlook that so that i can get the
> > generated library to a point where i can test it and then come back
> > and revisit this. This will be more complex because the GData JS
> > implementation allows "namespaces" to be loaded dynamically as needed.
> Given that the protocol is clearly defined and documented, I wonder if
> a "pure GWT" implementation wouldn't be better...
> Well, eventually, that could be your "v2.0" ;-)
> > On the return type of the JS methods that receive callbacks, most
> > likely these methods return void, i think that's just the way the
> > JSDocs display - otherwise they would have to display that as
> > void updateEntry(<google.gdata.Entry function(Object)> continuation,
> > <google.gdata.Entry function(Error)> opt_errorHandler).
> Er, you probably mean void updateEntry(<void
> function(google.gdata.Entry)> continuation, <void function(Error)>
> opt_errorHandler)
> > This type of ambiguity is why an 100% auto-generate is not going to
> > happen - in addition to this there are a couple of classes missing
> > from the JS Docs (i'll just fill those in from the GData Java docs).
> Well, I don't know what you're generating from, but it could be as
> easy as "if the method takes 2 arguments of type function, the second
> one taking an Error argument, then convert them to an AsyncCallback<T>
> where T is the method's documented return type, and make the method
> actually have a void return type".
> > I like the idea of using an intermediate class to handle the
> > callbacks, i think you mentioned this in your original reply and i
> > missed it.
> Hmm, not quite sure what you're talking about...
> > If you're interested, and since you already put some time here i can
> > add you as a member of this project:
> >
> > This way you get some credit.
> I'd rather wait to see some code ;-)
> (and I have so many projects yet that I don't have time to update...)
> > This is a key library for GWT in my
> > opinion and it's missing - Google says they don't have plans to do
> > this right now so it's a good opportunity.
> Probably because they'd rather do it in GWT than as a GWT wrapper
> around the JS API, which is a bit more work probably...
> (and they'd have to have time to maintain it, etc.)
> Anyway, good luck ;-)
> --
> Thomas Broyer
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