set MainConatiner.setSpacing /setPadding
I guess that will help you now you can set Child Container's size as 100%

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 2:30 AM, David Given <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I have a recurring problem that keeps hitting me with various projects.
> There must be a way around it, but I have yet to find one...
> I have a container of a fixed size. I want to put in this another
> widget, and have that widget take up all the available space --- *with
> its border, padding and margins inside the container*.
> This seems to be much harder than it looks. The CSS width and height
> properties affect the size of the content, and the border, padding and
> margins are always drawn *outside* that box, so just setting the size to
> "100%", "100%" results in my widget being slightly larger than its
> container. I can't use absolute positioning for this because I don't
> know how big anything is in pixels, and CSS doesn't support using things
> like "100% - 1em" in a dimension.
> This is an utterly basic thing to want, but I have yet to find a way
> round it --- what am I missing here?
> - --
> ┌─── ───── ─────
> │
> │ "People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who
> │ know we don't." --- Bjarne Stroustrup
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> =Lzdt
> >

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