Another solution, without setting HTML and Body width and height could
be using a table.
If you create a table with width and height in 100% and only one cell,
any widget you put inside this cell can be resized in width and
height.... try this one:

                FlexTable layout = new FlexTable();


                layout.setWidget(0, 0, w);


I don't know well why this works, but works.


On Sep 8, 5:17 pm, Nathan Wells <> wrote:
> I think the main requirement (that often get missed) is that the parent
> element must have a width and height set.
> Nathan Wells
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:58 AM, David Given <> wrote:
> > Nathan Wells wrote:
> > > I realize this example is rather naive, but I think we can use it as a
> > > starting point:
> > >
> > > Is that basically what you're looking for? I tested it in IE 8, 7 (via
> > > compatibility mode), Firefox, and Chrome. Everything looks fine to me.
> > > Again, for IE 6, some hacking may be necessary.
> > Hmm. Very interesting. You're specifying both left: and right:. I tried
> > that, it didn't work, I checked the CSS spec, and saw that it wasn't
> > supposed to work, etc.
> > Now I go back to the CSS spec to discover why your example works and
> > discover I misread it. I hate the CSS spec; it is second only to the
> > Javascript spec for sheer obscurity.
> > That still doesn't explain why it didn't work for me. Possibly just a
> > mistake on my part, or possibly a rendering error in the hosted browser,
> > which has exceedingly dodgy rendering in places.
> > I'll do some playing when I get home. Thanks.
> > --
> > ┌─── ──────────
> > │
> > │ "They laughed at Newton. They laughed at Einstein. Of course, they
> > │ also laughed at Bozo the Clown." --- Carl Sagan
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