On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Thomas Holmes<thomas.j.hol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would you have some sample code that I could see ... or a link to
> some.
> I'm going to continue looking through my book, and use their example
> that uses the Command Pattern.
> I am getting tons of errors because my DAO's and POJO's are in another
> package, so I was working with GWT Modules to try and make that work.
> I finally gave that up and tried to move that code closer to the
> Client directory ... and there a still a ton of errors.
> The most bothersome was in my UserDaoImpl where I have a
> "getHibernateTemplate" method, and it says that the source code isn't
> there.
most likely this code is referenced by a module. some ideas:
- check by which module it is referenced (if you have more than one)
and make sure it is inherited by that module.
- make sure it is under the /client/ directory, so that the gwt
crosscompiler can find the sourcecode.
- make sure the file has no external references (import xyz) that are
not in the client directory

this should make that part work... hope that helps...


> So ... it is driving me crazy ...
> Thanks!
>                            Tom
> On Sep 8, 4:04 pm, David Durham <david.durham...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > After research in this group, and on Google in general, I have found
>> > that I should look at Gilead.
>> > So, I downloaded the latest jars and the latest sample (using GWT 1.6)
>> > and sure enough, AGAIN, the sample uses hibernate.cfg.xml and
>> > Object.hbm.xml files ....
>> I was able to make GWT and Hiberate (JPA annotations) work without
>> Gilead.  I just used the underlying beanlib replicators to undo the
>> cglib or javassist stuff before serializing to client.
>> -Dave
> >

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