2009/9/10 Alexander Cherednichenko <lex...@gmail.com>

> That's true; I was also thinking of redirect.
> Also, this is good for non-js browsers. Links users would see it OK,
> which is really valuable for me.
> Although, does not google ban for <body onload='javascript:
> widnow.location= http://newsite?aaa'/> ?

Maybe - I don't use that. It would seem a bit harsh if they do. But Google
is following IBM's FUD route on things like that.

> This sounds pretty much like a doorway page.
> I'm really interested in how searchers treat this.
> In official release what's they say about cloacking:
> "
>  So what's an honest web designer to do? The only hard and fast rule
> is to show Googlebot the  exact same thing as your users. If you
> don't, your site risks appearing suspicious to our search algorithms.
> This simple rule covers a lot of cases including cloaking, JavaScript
> redirects, hidden text, and doorway pages.

My site does show the non-JS Googlebot exactly what a non-JS user would see.
If Google decide to develop a JS-enabled Googlebot, it will see what a
JS-enabled user will see. It's not my fault if they are not technically
savvy enough to do it. Not only that, JS-users get *exactly* the same
content as non-JS-users (albeit with menus and demos and stuff)

If they *don't* allow me to do this, then effectively they are banning
anyone who wants to be listed from using JavaScript, and how many sites does
that leave them?

> And our engineers have
> gathered a few more practical suggestions:
> "
> (taken from http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2007/07/best-
> uses-of-flash.html,
> though it's old)
> Unclear moment for me is that what do they mean saying 'exact same
> thing as your users. '. If it is same content (like compared by user)
> - your method would work, as you load the SAME page as the one shown
> to bot.

Cloaking is giving a different to a bot from the page you give to a user.
They cannot expect their non-enabled bot to get the same as an enabled user
or, for example, using Flash and Java applets and images of text and video
and audio would earn you a ban as well.

> But textually - the contents are different.

No they are not

> Bot may think that you're
> blindly redirecting the user to strange page with the only 1
> javascript file inclusion and no content at all.

But I don't. My index page is used to pick up the home page text.

> Maybe, something new has happened which allows more SEO methodics and
> i missed this?
> Thanks for the point with redirect,
> Alex.

>From a purely practical point of view, if I can't do this and they do ban me
and my site isn't listed, then how much worse off am I than if my site is
not being listed because I don't have any content that the bots can see?

Less than 5% of my traffic comes from search engines anyway - about 15% is
from referring sites, and over 80% is direct. It wouldn't be a great loss if
I did get banned. In fact, the amount of free advertising and links I'd get
from the news articles I could generate and the resulting knock-on news
coverage, social network and blog activity and links ('Google Bans Site For
Using Google Web Toolkit' - that would get picked up) it would probably make
it a positive blessing if all I wanted was traffic.

My site has been doing this for nearly 3 years and I described the whole
setup here on this forum over 2 years ago. No-one official said it *wasn't*

Because Google use IBM's FUD approach, you won't see anyone from Google say
that this is OK to do (AFAIK they still haven't publicly said that
underscores are used as work delimiters in file names, and how uncontentious
and long-running is that?) but if you are doing something that is
unequivocally wrong, they usually tell you.

Watch this space.



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