Could you describe the steps necessary to create the Maven2 hupa
project in Eclipse more explicitly?  I am unable to successfully build
the project as a result of the javax.activation imports throwing the
following error: Access restriction: The type DataSource is not
accessible due to restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java

I found a guide to installing third party jars with maven -> ,
however, I am unsure about how this is done via eclipse.


On Sep 5, 2:30 pm, Norman Maurer <> wrote:
> Hi Satish,
> I'm no aware of any special steps needed to runHupain eclipse. Just
> make sure you have m2eclipse installed and declareHupaas Maven2
> project with nested modules.
> That's all.
> Bye,
> Norman
> 2009/9/5 Satish Puranam <>:
> > Norman,
> > I am having trouble running ApacheHupain eclipse. No matter what i
> > do i am alway getting these errors:
> > Resolving annotation '@GinModules({ClientDispatchModule.class,
> > HupaClientModule.class})'
> > [ERROR]
> > java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> > org.apache.hupa.client.gin.HupaClientModule
> > [ERROR] Failure to load module 'hupa'
> > java.lang.NullPointerException: null
> > I was wondering if you could post the steps about how should one go
> > about runningHupain eclipse.
> > Thanks
> > Satish

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