Hello all,

I've just migrated a GWT 1.5 project to GWT 1.7.1. One of the issues i
ran into was that in hosted mode my css file was not getting picked
up. Searching through the GWT group i learned that i  would need to
add the following line to my gwt.xml file:
<stylesheet src="/index.css" /> and this made my css styles get picked
up in hosted mode. However, once i was able to compile the project,
build a war, and deploy the war to a tomcat instance, when i would
navigate to app url i would run into the css styles not getting picked
again. In my index.html file, the entry point to my app, i also have
the following:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">

Two things to notice between what's in index.gwt.xml and index.html:
in index.gwt.xml there is a forward slash, and it needs to be there or
else the css styles will not get picked up. In index.html there is no
forward slash, and it should be that way because that file reference
should be relative to the app url.

Ultimately, i figured out why is my css file not getting picked up in
tomcat. My appname.noncache.js file refers to href="/index.css" which
i am assuming it's getting during compiling from index.gwt.xml.

Is there a way for Compiler not to reference "/index.css" from gwt.xml

Anyone else run into issues with CSS file in GWT 1.7.1???
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