I only started with GWT 1.7, so I can't speak about that.  But here's what I
have in my gwt.xml:

  <!-- Specify public resources that will be copied to the module -->
  <public path="public/common"></public>
  <public path="public/login"></public>

  <!-- Style sheets we use from the public paths above              -->
  <stylesheet src="esf.css"/>
  <stylesheet src="login.css"/>

So, when my module loads, it will insert the link tags to pull in "esf.css"
and "login.css" from the 'module path' generated by the GWT Compiler.
Because my project has multiple gwt.xml files, I segmented the public area
into a 'public/common' for our base styles used in all modules, and another
'public/login' for just the login module.  Then I can reference both CSS
files using simple stylesheet entries in the gwt.xml file.

What I found is that my module (<module rename-to='esfgwt_login'>) folder
war/esfgwt_login not only contains the javascript, but it also has a copy of
the CSS.  I guess you can also put images and javascript files in the public
area if you want them to be automatically included, but for me, that's a bit
more rare since we don't have much javascript/images that we share (we're
using image bundles for most images) which have their own scheme.

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