Thanks for all your insightful comments! It seems that there is no de-
facto correct answer to my original question, so let me instead, for
simplicity, ask for elaboration of the three following questions:

* The pro-maven replies above all states something like "maven makes a
lot of things easy", which is kind of unspecific. As far as I can see
(and I might miss something), many of the gwt-shortcuts in maven is
sort direct mappings to commands that are already there in gwt: e.g.
there are already gwt commands for i18n-interface creation. Also,
whole unittest suites can be run from within eclipse, so as far as I
can see, maven doesn't solve any problems there. What is it that maven
solves so elegantly that cannot be done just as elegant by using
"naked" gwt?

* Assume we start developing without maven. If we later decide to use
maven, how complicated would you guess that the project convertion
would be (from non-maven to maven)? That is, is it easy or complicated
to convert an existing project to maven? Notice, there is a lot of non-
java stuff in the project, such as shell scripts, LaTeX documents,
Makefiles, text files, etc).

* Just to be clear: does maven contain the functionality of GNU make
or ant? Can it solve the same problems as make and ant?


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